Transplant Games 2024

The 2024 Westfield Health British Transplant Games took place in Nottingham. Our trustees Lewis and Alex were both competing, with Su also participating in the live donor category. Lewis had an especially successful badminton tournament, claiming a silver medal. Julie also attended to support.

The Transplant Games are a major sporting and social event held across the country each year, open to those who have recieved a transplant as well as those who have donated an organ. The event encourages patients to keep fit and active, and allows them to build lasting friendships with others who have similar life experiences. We would encourage any of our members who have had a transplant to get involved in the games. You can ask your care team to be put in touch with your hospital’s team manager. There are over 25 sports on offer ranging from golf to swimming to badminton to pétanque; there should be something for everyone.

The games will be held in Oxford next year July 31st to August 4th. If you are planning to attend, let us know at, we would love to catch up with you there.

Lewis, Alex, Julie, Su


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